Drive Business With Compliance! Compliance is gaining more importance with the fast growth of digital data within the intranet, extranet and cloud adoption . One of the biggest challenges for Big Data for any organisation, goverment,company is effectively controlling compliance rules adherance . Accordingly comprehensive compliance rules are being defined. However, their adherence has May 9, 2016
Enterprise Search As Core Component For Knowledge Management IT -based knowledge management as a foundation needs a powerful, system-wide indexing. Only from the variety of the contents sources to be included in a Knowledge Management draught becomes clear that a single, isolated software system cannot be the solution. It is not enough to document knowledge in a May 9, 2016
Knowledge Management & Enterprise Search (Healthcare) HEALTHCAREPotential Challenges: Healthcare providers, researchers, and administrative staff – have difficulties finding the information they need, as content is stored in multiple locations: an institutional document repository (eLibrary)and collaboration team sites as well as a separate content management system (CMS) for its intranet, some patient information In the Electronic Medical Records May 9, 2016